My experience in this blog was very good. In the beginner, I thought that this were a boring experience, that we will hate because maybe we would have to work repeat the classic kind of test in the computers or do something similar like answer hard or boring questions. But I like this experience, because I could write about a lot of things that I think or feel with freedom it was good also for learn new words or forms to write. I liked the diversity of topics to write, and more when were free topic, there were a challenge to decide about what write and how do it. I enjoy too reading the post of my classmates, I could knew them more, and know about them thoughts and likes, or even get opinions of what they had written. A lot of times they give me new knowledge. Even thought I enjoy the great part of the time, there were days that I was very tired or sleepy then when I finished my work, I went to my house very quickly riding my bicycle direct to bed.
This experience help me too to know how use the page “blogspot” for maybe future works or instances to write personal things. I learned to upload photos, change the colors of the page, the type of letter and more. Blogspot is a good instance to express opinions, exchange a lot of knowledge, talk about an important topic of relevance in the moment or simply express our emotions. I really thank the patience of the teacher for answer me and to all my classmates when we had questions about a word or how to write something. I learnd a lot, and was a good experience, the one thing that I would change is not go to home too late!
Good luck to everybody and enjoy all
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
reflects about the dream hours

In this moment, i am sleepy. Very Sleepy. I don’t know how I can write this with the eyes open. It makes me reflect about the dream hours. I think that it is a strange phenomenon, because is very nice but sometimes very bad. Doctors said that people should sleep at least eight hours at day, specially teenagers, because they grow up more in the night that in the day. I don’t understand very well this point, but they say too that normal people need to sleep eight hours for repose our mind and body, and they say if you don’t sleep well, you can gain weight, but I don’t believe it.. Even Though , A Japanese study say that people that sleep seven diary hours are more long-lived. It deny the recommendation to sleep eight hours diary . I really like sleep a lot, some days all day, because I have dreams really interesting and strange histories ,but sometimes is necessary that the day be more large , for have time to do a lot of things. For example, the university and the studies spend a lot of time, and i don’t have much time for do all the things that I want. Then I sometimes think that I could sleep only a few hours, for can do the things that I like. But it is really bad, and no healthy, I could take pills or drink a lot of coffee but I don’t like it because is bad for my body. There are not solution, only take a decision. ¿What do you prefer? Sleep all day and do nothing for ever in your life, but never be tired? Or don’t sleep but do a lot of things sometimes tired?
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
drawings (=
Lately, i really like to draw. I think that everybody has liked to draw in one moment of their lives, especially when we were children. Particularly to me, my love to drawings have been increasing with the years, in fact, actually I draw a lot, especially in boring subjects like “metodología” . I enjoy to draw no perfects images, or perfects copies to the reality, I like to draw strange forms, things, persons, plants , animals or a mix of all these. I draw for have fun, make beautiful things, and also I love to give presents with drawings. I think that is a very good and pretty activity because it comes to the feelings, and tell us things about the people who made them. It is a simple action with a big natural and personal meaning. The drawings never are good or bad, they just are. I really like when people draw on anything: theirs bags, books, walls, hands, tables… anyplace is for me a good place to draw =), except when are things that belong to other people that don’t like to have their things drawn. Obvious I love drawings in the streets, buses stop, buses, and graffitis, especially the located near to Bellavista.
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
The autumn is a station that lasts since twenty-three of march, until twenty-three of june in Chile. It marks the transition of summer to winter but it’s more cold that warm, even though, there are a really nice sun days like yesterday, when there was a big sun shining for us . Autumn characterizes for begin the night more early that in summer, and it is a sad change sometimes, because come dark before and some people feel that the day lasts less, although the sky in autumn when get dark is very beautiful, and with this, people can to reconcile whit autumn’s early dark afternoons. The autumn doesn’t begin at the same time in all world, it varies according to the hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, it begin in march, and in the Northern Hemisphere in september. The autumn in literature represents the oldness, because the leaves fall down yellow and brown, like the trees were getting older. I don’t like the trees in autumn, except when them leaves don’t fall and turn to colours like red or orange. Other thing that happened in autumn is the arrival of cold wind, some days it is really hard in the morning, and when i ride my bike to the university, i feel that my fingers are frozen. Autumn is time to get out from the closet shelters, jackets, sweaters, and the scarf that our grandmother weaves for us. We must use them, even thought there are not very pretties. Although i can enjoy the autumn for his attributes like his pretty skies, i am all the time waiting for the summer and spring.
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
My academic week
well, now i am happy because i finished my academic obligations for this week . today i had to give a hard work in “Historia Lationoamericana” subject, we had to write about the economic matrix of Latin America , there was a interesting work.
.The last week i almost didn't sleep because i had so many test. Once of them was my first oral test in “Antropología I “ subject, and i aproved whit a 5.5. In this moment there are a celebration because we are free until the next week and all my friends of grade are have fun. The last week i also was sick, but i had feel better because I have drinked a lot of water, and it is good for the health. Other important element in the week was the rain. This year particulary, the winter has delayed a lot, but it is better ,because there are many people have pain with the consequences of earthquake and the rain is not good for them if they don’t have a ceiling. This Sunday is a public holiday and there are a lot of families that are going to the beach, this is a good instance to get out stress. I personality will see movies and see my school friends. Well , good bye and good luck for everybody =)
.The last week i almost didn't sleep because i had so many test. Once of them was my first oral test in “Antropología I “ subject, and i aproved whit a 5.5. In this moment there are a celebration because we are free until the next week and all my friends of grade are have fun. The last week i also was sick, but i had feel better because I have drinked a lot of water, and it is good for the health. Other important element in the week was the rain. This year particulary, the winter has delayed a lot, but it is better ,because there are many people have pain with the consequences of earthquake and the rain is not good for them if they don’t have a ceiling. This Sunday is a public holiday and there are a lot of families that are going to the beach, this is a good instance to get out stress. I personality will see movies and see my school friends. Well , good bye and good luck for everybody =)
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
About an expert in my field: Marvin Harris
Marvin Harris is a anthropologist, he was born in New York in 1927, he obtained the title of Bachelor of Arts in the Columbia College in 1948. He studied in the university of Columbia. He is the principal exponent of "cultural materialism". Between 1953 a 1959 he was assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology in the University of Columbia. He has distributed a lot of conferences in Americans and Europeans universities, and he has participated in programs of radio and television. He has done studies of camp in Bahia, Rio of Janeiro and India. Also, he has done investigations about the Thonga of Mozambique between 1956 and 1957. His principal books are: “Minas Velhas: A Study of Urbanism in the Mountains of Eastern Brazil” in 1953, “War: The Anthropology of Armed Conflict and Aggression” in 1958, and “Patterns of Races in the Americas” in 1964.
I don’t know too much about him, because I’m a beginner in the way of the Anthropology, but I have read a few of his works, and I think that they will be useful for my training in the carrer. Maybe he is an excellent person. Someday I am going to know it.
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
my experience with the earthquake
that night, i was in the beach with my ex "special friend" and his family. That night we decided not coming to the beach because we had cold. then, we go to sleep. ten seconds before the earthquake, i woke up like the dogs and told to my ex "special friend" WAKE UP, AND GO TO YOUR BED. in this moment begin the earthquake and all his family run out of the department, except us. he was very scared and i keeped the control. i was very worried for my family, because they was far away, because later, i called them and i had quiet. But i was, and i am jet, very sad for the consequences of the earthquake in my country.
my best trip in bicycle
My best trip in bicycle was yesterday.
I go to university in bicycle every day. It takes me thirty minutes approximately, and i enjoy it a lot. I ride in cyclelains almost all the way. it's great because i do it listening music. My bycicle is purple and beutifull, she had a basket, but i took the basket out the last weekend because it was broke. Then, lately days, i fell my bicycle most flighty than the other days, because now she doesn't have the basket. Yesterday the climate was pleasant, and i had in my mp3 the first disc of one of my favourite bands "Death cab for cutie". I had never listened to this disc before, then it was amazing because the sings are wonderfull. So, i ride enjoy the climate, my flighty bycicle, and the disc "Something about airplanes". That was the best trip in bicycle of my life. I arrived home very happy with a smile upon my face, and i was able sleep in peace.
I go to university in bicycle every day. It takes me thirty minutes approximately, and i enjoy it a lot. I ride in cyclelains almost all the way. it's great because i do it listening music. My bycicle is purple and beutifull, she had a basket, but i took the basket out the last weekend because it was broke. Then, lately days, i fell my bicycle most flighty than the other days, because now she doesn't have the basket. Yesterday the climate was pleasant, and i had in my mp3 the first disc of one of my favourite bands "Death cab for cutie". I had never listened to this disc before, then it was amazing because the sings are wonderfull. So, i ride enjoy the climate, my flighty bycicle, and the disc "Something about airplanes". That was the best trip in bicycle of my life. I arrived home very happy with a smile upon my face, and i was able sleep in peace.
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
hello, welcome to mi blogspot. My name is Maca, i am eighteen years old. I would like to be in holidays, but i am in the university studyng anthropology, this is my first year. I am going to talk a little about me. I love animals, dogs are my favorites, i like to caress them and give them kisses. Also i enjoy to listen music and see films, read literature and ride in bycicle. In this blogspot i am going to put my works in english. Good luck to everybody in this life :)
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