Tuesday 29 June 2010

my experience with the blog =)

My experience in this blog was very good. In the beginner, I thought that this were a boring experience, that we will hate because maybe we would have to work repeat the classic kind of test in the computers or do something similar like answer hard or boring questions. But I like this experience, because I could write about a lot of things that I think or feel with freedom  it was good also for learn new words or forms to write. I liked the diversity of topics to write, and more when were free topic, there were a challenge to decide about what write and how do it. I enjoy too reading the post of my classmates, I could knew them more, and know about them thoughts and likes, or even get opinions of what they had written. A lot of times they give me new knowledge. Even thought I enjoy the great part of the time, there were days that I was very tired or sleepy then when I finished my work, I went to my house very quickly riding my bicycle direct to bed.
This experience help me too to know how use the page “blogspot” for maybe future works or instances to write personal things. I learned to upload photos, change the colors of the page, the type of letter and more. Blogspot is a good instance to express opinions, exchange a lot of knowledge, talk about an important topic of relevance in the moment or simply express our emotions. I really thank the patience of the teacher for answer me and to all my classmates when we had questions about a word or how to write something. I learnd a lot, and was a good experience, the one thing that I would change is not go to home too late!
Good luck to everybody and enjoy all 


  1. yeees, I also was expecting the typical activities on the computer, they really are very boring. Compared with that is much better to do a blog ...
    The free topics were a real challenge for me, I could never thought that writing XD.

  2. I am agree with all the things that you wrote. I think that the Blog was a great experience, because allow us to know better to all the class, and know their interesting and passions. With the blog we can practice our english and to be able to aspire to some day be bilingual :)
